Carole has had an interest and an active involvement in competitive sport for many years. Initially she obtained a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Mathematics and Physical Education from Birmingham University. After a brief spell in finance she then studied Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge University. The first 3 years of the course is a Master of Arts (MA) degree in Medical Sciences followed by a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (VetMB) degree, which is a prerequisite to become a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS). She then practised full time for nineteen years (both large and small animal work). This included owning a 4 vet small animal practice in Cambridge for nine years from 1999-2008. She left veterinary medicine in 2008 and moved to Seahouses, Northumberland.

Looking to combine an existing in depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology of injuries from a medical perspective with an interest in competitive sport, plus the desire to follow a rather less stressful lifestyle than previously, Carole decided to study Sports Massage. She qualified from the London School of Sports Massage with a Level 5 Diploma in Sports and Remedial Massage in February 2015, which is the highest level qualification available in Sports Massage.
Qualification as a Level 3 Personal Trainer from the University of Bath followed on in July 2015.
Additional qualifications include:
Level 2 Certificate in Circuit Training
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instruction (Gym-based)
Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Physical Activity
Level 3 Certificate in Exercise Considerations for the Older Adult
First Aid certificate
FK Pro Suspension Training Instructor Qualification
British Cycling Ride Leader level 1 & 2
Member of the Register of Exercise Professionals
Carole’s experience in sporting competition over the years has been mainly in racket sports (with a bit of indoor rowing only as part of training for squash), and includes:
- 5 times winner British National age group Championships
- 2 times winner British Open age group Championships
- Over 35 and Over 40 England International
- University of Cambridge Full Blue
- Senior county player for Cambridgeshire and Northumberland
- Northumberland Club Men’s 1st team player in Premier Division
- Cambridge Squash Club Men’s First Division player
- Runner up in British Indoor Rowing Championships (women’s lightweight 45-50) 2009
- Third in Scottish Open Lightweight Indoor Rowing Championships 2011
- Senior County player for Warwickshire and Cambridgeshire
- University of Cambridge Full Blue
- Winner British Universities mixed doubles
- Senior County player for Warwickshire

Since moving to Northumberland participation in team sports is not so practical so involvement in the sports above is historical. Carole’s main sporting activities now are cycling in the countryside around Seahouses, running on the beach and using the gym at Physicality. Recently she has started competing in sprint duathlons/triathlons and has qualified to represent Great Britain in age group international duathlon and triathlon events and England in age group cross country. In 2016 Carole won her age group at the European Sprint Duathlon Championships in Kalkar, Germany.

In 2018 Carole represented the GB team at the European Age Group Triathlon Championships in Glasgow and qualified for the 2020 standard duathlon World Championships in the Netherlands, which was a victim of Covid.
Closer to home, Carole runs regularly at the Druridge Bay park run and competes in local triathlons.

(The WAVA score is your % of the world record for your age and gender and is a way of comparing your run time against everybody else’s, regardless of age/gender. For older women like me (!) a half decent time gets you a good WAVA %. If you’re a young male you’ve got to run super fast to get a good % since the comparable world record is unbelievably quick.)

Her involvement in duathlons and triathlons is a direct result of contact with and encouragement from regular clients who already have success in representing Great Britain in age group events, to whom she is indebted.